FBR for FARMERS’ Apron


This apron is all about the split leg. Based on the traditional potter’s apron, it maximises comfort and freedom of movement, whilst protecting your clothes at all times. With its robust cloth, deep front pockets and a small, breast pencil pocket the apron is versatile in the kitchen or garden and suitable for all hard-working folk. Made in two styles with denim or dry-waxed canvas.

Designed and made exclusively for FARMERS’ by one of the team, Felicity Rowley of FBR.

Choose from two materials:
Denim – a FARMERS’ favourite – robust enough to withstand everyday chores and regular washes
Dry-waxed organic canvas – will soften beautifully with time and designed to pick up the marks and creases of everyday use

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FARM OPENING HOURS: Monday – Friday 10-4  

 HAY-ON-WYE STORE:  Thursday – Sunday 10-5

Open Bank Holiday Monday (6th May)

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